Integrate MonkeyLearn with Retently NPS using Zapier

Automatically categorize and sort your Net Promoter Score feedback using the MonkeyLearn advanced text analysis engine. Let the AI do the job for you. Get insights from high volumes of NPS responses automatically, avoid manual work, and ensure consistent tagging criteria, without errors, 24/7.

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About MonkeyLearn

Highly scalable Machine Learning API for developers building text analysis aplications. Turn emails, support tickets, chats, social media, surveys and documents into actionable data. Make your teams more efficient by automating business processes, getting insights and saving hours of manual data processing.

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MonkeyLearn to Retently NPS


Analyze NPS feedback and tag new responses

Automatically process answers with MonkeyLearn. When a new response is received in Retently, MonkeyLearn will analyze the content and classify the answer according to aspect or sentiment. The results will be sent back to Retently to tag the customer response on the platform.
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Retently NPS to MonkeyLearn


Train Model

Trains a MonkeyLearn classifier when an NPS response is received.

Extract Text

Extracts data from text (example: entities, keywords, etc.) when an NPS response is received.

Classify Text

Classifies a text (example: topic, sentiment, etc.) when an NPS response is received.
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Sign up for a free Zapier account, or choose a premium subscription starting from $25 per month.

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Retently API

Use API to create custom integrations

The API allows you to connect Retently to your own application or create custom integrations and automation playbooks.

  • Fetch your customers from Retently Fetch your customers from Retently
  • Get the NPS, CSAT, CES scores Get the NPS, CSAT, CES scores
  • Receive the latest customer feedback Receive the latest customer feedback
  • Create and update customers in Retently Create and update customers in Retently
  • Unsubscribe customers in Retently Unsubscribe customers in Retently
  • Send transactional surveys Send transactional surveys
Check API documentation

Start your free 7-day trial

Personalize your survey template, import your customers from various services, completely automate the process and start your first survey campaign right away.

Start your free 7-day trial