
Integrate Centerpoint Connect with Retently

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after service ticket resolutions or opportunity updates, sync customer profiles and interaction history with Retently, and use feedback scores to enhance service processes and customer relationship management.

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About Centerpoint Connect

Centerpoint Connect enables users to manage opportunities and service tickets, updating their status within a production workflow. It allows for the creation of sales leads.

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Centerpoint Connect to Retently


Opportunity Created or Updated

Triggers when an opportunity is updated or created.

Service Ticket Created or Updated

Triggers when a service ticket is updated or created.

Production Ticket Created or Updated

Triggers when a production ticket is updated or created.
Centerpoint Connect logo

Retently to Centerpoint Connect


Update Production Workflow Stage

Updates the workflow stage in a production.

Create Lead

Creates a sales lead in Centerpoint.

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Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments to gather feedback on service quality, sync client profiles...

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Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant sales milestones or deal closures, sync customer profiles to...

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Automatically create or update customer profiles in Retently when new contacts are added in...

Agent Legend zapier

Integrate to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after campaign interactions, sync contact details and engagement history,...

Agentcis zapier

Sync customer profiles between Agentcis and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

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Agile CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as closing a deal or resolving...

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Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant interactions such as property viewings or deal closures, sync...

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Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after deal closures or significant client interactions, sync client profiles and...

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Integrate to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a card is sent or a drip...

AmtechCRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between AmtechCRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences,...

Angaza zapier

Sync customer profiles between Angaza and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences,...

AntEater zapier

Sync customer contact information between AntEater and Retently to ensure up-to-date profiles, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Anthill zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after sales or issue resolution, sync customer profiles and interaction history...

AntsRoute zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after order creation or updates, sync customer profiles between AntsRoute and...

Anvil zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customers complete paperwork or e-signature processes, sync customer data captured...

Apex27 zapier

Sync customer profiles between Apex27 and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Apizeal zapier

Sync customer contact details and lead interactions with Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant...

Apotheo zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a client account is created or updated, sync client profiles...

Appointedd zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or cancellations, sync customer booking history and contact...

Appointlet zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after meetings to gather feedback on customer interactions, sync meeting schedules...

Appointy zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments to gather feedback on customer satisfaction, sync customer...

Arbox zapier

Integrate Arbox to automatically send NPS/CSAT surveys after class bookings or membership renewals, sync...

Archie zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after event registrations or payment processing, sync customer profiles and subscription...

Archie CRM zapier

Sync customer contact details and interaction history with Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant...

Assignar zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or task updates, sync customer profiles and project...

AthletaDesk zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after events or payment transactions, sync client profiles and attendance data...

Attio zapier

Sync customer profiles between Attio and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

Aurora Inbox zapier

Integrate to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions managed by Aurora Inbox, such...

Autotask zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after ticket resolution or project completion to assess customer satisfaction, sync...

Axelor zapier

Sync customer profiles between Axelor and Retently to ensure up-to-date information for targeted surveys....

Axonaut zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as campaign engagement or billing events,...

Badger Maps zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after sales meetings or account updates, sync customer contact and interaction...

Bark zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after service purchases or lead submissions to gather customer feedback. Sync...

BatchLeads zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant lead interactions or property updates, sync lead contact information...

Beacon zapier

Sync donor and volunteer profiles with Retently to keep contact information updated, trigger NPS/CSAT...

BenchmarkONE zapier

Integrate BenchmarkONE to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions, such as marketing campaign...

Berg System zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions or sales events, sync customer profiles and...

Bestmate zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or service completions, sync customer profiles to keep...

BestMoversCRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between BestMoversCRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information. Use survey...

BIGContacts zapier

Sync customer contact information and interaction history with Retently to ensure accurate survey targeting....

Bigly Sales zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after calls or meetings, sync contact information to keep customer profiles...

Bildhive zapier

Automatically sync new contacts created in Bildhive with Retently to ensure up-to-date customer profiles,...

BillingLogix zapier

Sync customer membership status and tags with Retently to ensure accurate customer profiles, trigger...

Bitrix24 CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customer interactions like sales or support ticket resolutions, sync customer...

Blaze AI zapier

Integrate Blaze AI to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions managed by AI,...

Blinq zapier

Sync customer contact details from Blinq to Retently to maintain updated profiles for sending...

Bloom zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after contract signings or new payments to gauge customer satisfaction with...

BoardCRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between BoardCRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Bokun zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after bookings or tour completions, sync customer booking history and preferences,...

BONZO zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when prospects move between stages or complete campaigns, sync prospect data...

Book Like... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments, sync customer contact details and appointment history, use feedback...

Bookafy zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customer appointments to gather feedback on service quality, sync customer...

Bookee zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments or class bookings, sync customer contact details and...

Booking Radar zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or cancellations to gather feedback on the booking...

bookingkit zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after a customer completes a booking or an activity, sync...

BookingKoala zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after service bookings or interactions, sync customer profiles and booking history...

Bookingmood zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or cancellations, sync customer profiles to keep contact...

Bookly zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments to gather feedback on customer service, sync customer contact...

BoomTown zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions or lead updates, sync customer profiles and...

BoondManager zapier

Integrate to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key interactions such as project completion or invoice...

Booqable zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after rental transactions or returns, sync customer rental history and...

Boostapp zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions or lead stage changes, sync customer profiles...

BoothBook zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after event bookings or completions, sync customer booking history and...

Boulevard zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments to gather feedback on client experiences, sync customer profiles...

Bowimi zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after field sales visits to gather customer feedback on sales interactions,...

BRIKER zapier

Sync customer contact information and preferences between BRIKER and Retently to maintain accurate customer...

Brilliant Directories zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after membership sign-ups or inquiries, sync customer profiles and interaction data...

Brivity zapier

Sync customer profiles between Brivity and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Broadly zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions managed by Broadly, such as subscription changes...

BSI zapier

BSI can trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as purchases or support...

Builder Prime zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or significant milestones, sync customer contact details and...

Building Stack zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after resolving support tickets or inquiries, sync tenant and lead profiles...

Bullhorn CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions or job placements, sync customer and candidate...

Business Engine zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or invoice generation, sync customer profiles and project...

Business Pilot zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions like lead conversion or invoice generation, sync...

c2a zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as calls or account updates, sync...

Calendesk zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or payment completions, sync customer profiles to keep...

Callbell zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys based on customer interactions within Callbell, such as after a resolved...

Capsule CRM zapier

Sync customer contact information and sales data with Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or tour completions, sync customer profiles to keep...

CaseLocker zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after case resolution to gather feedback on support experiences, sync customer...

CatchApp Bookings zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after clients book or complete appointments, sync client contact details...

CentralStationCRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between CentralStationCRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

Centrico zapier

Sync customer profiles between Centrico and Retently to ensure accurate data for survey targeting,...

CentrixOne zapier

Sync customer contact information and updates between CentrixOne and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

Check Cherry zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or event completions, sync customer profiles and booking...

Checkfront zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after a booking is completed or a service is used,...

Chekkit zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customer interactions via SMS, sync customer feedback from reviews to...

Chiirp zapier

Use Chiirp's automated messaging to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions, such as...

CINC zapier

Sync customer profiles between CINC and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences,...

Cinode zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or candidate placement, sync customer and candidate profiles...

Circle zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after community events or course completions, sync member profiles and engagement...

Citima zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after property inquiries or transaction updates, sync customer profiles to keep...

cituro zapier

Sync customer profiles between Cituro and Retently to maintain accurate contact information for survey...

CiviCRM zapier

Sync constituent profiles between CiviCRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

ClaimWizard zapier

Sync customer profiles between ClaimWizard and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Clarity CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between Clarity CRM and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys...

Class Manager zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after class bookings or payment transactions, sync student profiles and contact...

Cleanetto zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after event completions or new client registrations to gather feedback on...

Clearbit zapier

Automatically enrich customer profiles in Retently with Clearbit data to improve survey targeting and...

CLG App zapier

Sync client profiles between CLG App and Retently to ensure up-to-date customer information, trigger...

Clicfans zapier

Sync customer contact information and workflow updates with Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant...

Cliengo zapier

Sync customer profiles between Cliengo and Retently to ensure up-to-date information for survey targeting....

Client Diary zapier

Automatically update customer profiles in Retently when a new client is created or an...

Clientify zapier

Sync customer profiles between Clientify and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

Clientjoy zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key client interactions such as proposal acceptance or project completion,...

Cliento zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a booking is made or updated, sync customer data between...

ClientSuccess zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions or milestones, sync customer profiles to ensure...

Clienty zapier

Integrate Clienty to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant sales milestones or customer interactions, sync...

ClinchPad zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a lead is converted to a customer, sync lead and...

Clinicminds zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after patient appointments or invoice generation, sync patient contact details and...

ClinicSoftware zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after client appointments or interactions, sync client contact information and preferences...

Clio zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after legal services are rendered or invoices are generated, sync...

Clnto zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key sales interactions like proposal acceptance or lead conversion, sync...

Close zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as calls or emails, sync customer...

Cloudbeds zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after guest check-out or booking confirmation, sync guest profiles and...

Cloze zapier

Sync customer profiles and communication history with Retently to trigger surveys after significant interactions,...

Club OS zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after scheduling appointments or updating user preferences, sync customer profiles and...

Club Systems zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after class registrations or personal training agreements, sync customer profiles to...

Clubworx zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after membership sign-ups or renewals, sync member contact information and preferences,...

Cobot zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or billing events, sync member profiles and contact...

Cogmento CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as deal closures or support case...

Commissionly zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between Commissionly and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

Common Room zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant community interactions or events, sync community member profiles with...

Communities CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between Communities CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger...

Commusoft zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after job completion or invoicing, sync customer profiles and job history...

CompanyHub zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between CompanyHub and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

Compass zapier

Sync customer profiles between Compass and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Connect the... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after patient check-ins to gather feedback on healthcare services, sync patient...

ConnectWise Manage zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after support ticket resolutions or project completions, sync customer contact information...

ContactDrive zapier

Sync customer contact information and activity data with Retently to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

Contacts+ zapier

Sync customer contact details from Contacts+ to Retently to ensure accurate and updated customer...

Contractor zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after invoice payments or work order completions, sync client profiles and...

Contractors Cloud zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project milestones or lead interactions, sync customer and project data...

ConvergeHub zapier

Sync customer profiles between ConvergeHub and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Conversion Cloud zapier

Sync customer profiles between Conversion Cloud and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and...

Convertlabs zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or lead interactions, sync customer profiles and lead...

Cooperto zapier

Sync customer contact details between Cooperto and Retently to maintain accurate customer profiles, enabling...

Copper zapier

Sync customer profiles and updates between Copper and Retently to ensure accurate customer data...

Corymbus zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions like account creation or updates, sync customer...

CosmoLex zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after case completions or billing events, sync client contact details and...

Coworks zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after event bookings or member interactions, sync customer profiles and CRM...

Credit Repair... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions like onboarding or service completion, sync client...

CRM Connector zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as new opportunities or updates in...

CRM in... zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between CRM in Cloud and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT...

CRM Messaging zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customer interactions through SMS/WhatsApp, sync customer communication history and preferences,...

CRM Web... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a client's status changes or a new lead is created,...

Crmble zapier

Sync customer profiles between Crmble and Retently to ensure accurate data for survey targeting,...

crmgrow zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after support ticket resolutions or significant customer interactions, sync customer contact...

CustomerX zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after contract completions or ticket resolutions, sync customer profiles to maintain...

Daily AI... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key mortgage transaction events, sync customer contact information and transaction...

Dance Studio... zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after class enrollments or payment processing, sync student profiles and...

Darwin CX zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after user activation or subscription changes, sync customer profiles to ensure...

Datalyse zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after lead updates or task completions, sync customer profiles between Datalyse...

Daylite zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions or project milestones, sync customer profiles and...

Dazos CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a lead is converted to an opportunity or when a...

Delenta zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after coaching sessions or course completions to gather feedback on the...

DeltaNet CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as new subscriptions or event scheduling,...

Demand IQ zapier

Automatically send NPS/CSAT surveys to new leads or updated leads to gather feedback on...

DenGro zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a lead is converted to a patient, sync customer contact...

Deposyt zapier

Integrate to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customer purchases or campaign interactions, sync customer profiles...

Detrack zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after delivery completion to gather feedback on the delivery experience, sync...

Digital Practice zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions or project completions, sync customer profiles and...

Disparo PRO zapier

Use Disparo PRO to send SMS invitations for NPS/CSAT surveys triggered by Retently events...

Dispatch zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after job completions or appointment updates, sync customer profiles and feedback...

Divalto weavy zapier

Sync customer profiles between Divalto weavy and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and...

Doktor365 zapier

Sync customer profiles between Doktor365 and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

DonorDock zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant donor interactions or events, sync donor contact information and...

DripJobs zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key customer interactions such as project completion or appointment scheduling,...

Dropcontact zapier

Automatically update and verify customer contact information in Retently when new survey responses are...

Drove zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after cart abandonment or subscription changes, sync customer contact details and...

Dubb zapier

Use Dubb's engagement tracking to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant interactions, sync customer contact...

Dubsado zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after contract signing or payment processing, sync customer profiles to keep...

EASI'R zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a lead is created or updated in EASI'R, sync customer...

EasyBroker zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions such as property viewings or transactions, sync...

Easyly zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant sales lead interactions or process completions, sync customer lead...

EasyWeek zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments are booked or completed to gather feedback on the...

EduCtrl CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between EduCtrl and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

eForma zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a lead is converted to a customer, sync lead and...

EH CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between EH CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and...

Element451 zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after application submissions or event registrations to gather feedback on the...

Emitrr zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after message exchanges or campaign follow-ups, sync customer contact details between...

Endear zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customer orders or profile updates, sync customer data to ensure...

Entegral Base zapier

Sync customer profiles between Entegral Base and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger...

Entera CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between Entera CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and...

Escala zapier

Sync customer contact information between Escala and Retently to automate the sending of NPS/CSAT...

EspoCRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between EspoCRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Estate.Studio zapier

Sync client profiles and interaction data with Retently to ensure up-to-date customer information. Trigger...

eTermin zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments, sync customer contact details and appointment history, use...

Eva Gifting... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after gift transactions to gather feedback on the gifting experience, use... zapier

Automate the updating of customer profiles in Retently whenever changes occur in, ensuring...

EveryAction zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after donations or significant engagement activities, sync donor and customer profiles...

Evolio zapier

Sync customer profiles between Evolio and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Evolved Metrics... zapier

Sync customer profiles between Evolved Metrics CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information,...

eWay-CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between eWay-CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date data...

EzzyCRM zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between EzzyCRM and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys based...

FareHarbor zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after a booking is completed, sync customer booking history and...

FastGem zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after work order completions or significant account changes, sync customer contact...

Fence Cloud zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or significant project milestones, sync customer contact details...

Fidelimax zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after loyalty program interactions, sync customer profiles and loyalty data to...

Fideltour zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after guest check-ins or check-outs, sync customer profiles and preferences between...

fieldd zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after service completion, sync customer booking and contact details, use...

Fieldnotes zapier

Sync customer profiles between Fieldnotes and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Finaeo zapier

Sync customer contact details from Finaeo to Retently to ensure accurate survey delivery, and...

Finmo zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key mortgage process milestones, such as document submission or loan...

FireHawkCRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or payment, sync customer profiles and interaction history...

Firepoint CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a lead is converted or after significant interactions, sync customer...

Firmao zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions like deal closures or task completions, sync...

Flexie CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys based on customer interactions within Flexie CRM, sync customer profiles and...

FLG zapier

Sync customer profiles between FLG and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences,...

Flipdish zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after food orders are completed, sync customer profiles for better data...

Flux zapier

Sync customer profiles between Flux and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Flyte zapier

Sync customer profiles between Flyte and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

folk zapier

Sync customer profiles between folk and Retently to ensure accurate contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Follow Up... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant lead interactions or closings, sync customer profiles and lead...

Followup CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a project status is updated or completed, sync customer contact...

ForceManager zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after sales orders or significant account updates, sync customer contact and...

Formitable zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a reservation is completed or canceled to gather feedback on...

Formstack zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after specific form submissions, sync customer data collected through forms with...

FoxOMS zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or booking confirmations, sync customer profiles between FoxOMS...

FreeAgent CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between FreeAgent CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger...

FreedomSoft zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant lead interactions or task completions, sync customer profiles and...

Freshsales Classic zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between Freshsales Classic and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys...

Freshsales Suite zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between Freshsales and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

Funil de... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a deal is closed to gather feedback on the sales...

FunnelCockpit zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after form submissions or webinar participation, sync CRM contact details with...

FunnelFLARE zapier

Sync customer contact details and interaction history with Retently to ensure up-to-date profiles, trigger...

Funnelforms zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a lead is generated or an appointment is booked through...

Gainsight zapier

Sync customer profiles between Gainsight and Retently to ensure accurate data for survey targeting,...

Gearbooker zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or payment completions, sync customer profiles and booking...

Get The... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a referral is successfully converted into a lead or sale,...

GEVME Registration zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after event registration or attendance, sync attendee information to keep customer...

GigaBook zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments to gather feedback on service quality, sync customer contact...

Giggio zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after event bookings or contract completions, sync client contact details...

Gleantap zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions managed by Gleantap, such as event participation...

Glympse PRO zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a task is completed or an agent's visit is concluded,...

Gong zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant sales calls or meetings, sync customer interaction data to...

GoReminders zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after appointment reminders are sent, sync customer contact details to ensure...

Gorilla CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between Gorilla CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger...

GorillaDesk zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after service appointments or bookings, sync customer contact details and service...

Great AEP zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments or communications, sync customer contact details and preferences, and...

GreenRope zapier

Sync customer profiles between GreenRope and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences,...

GrowthZone AMS zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after event registrations or membership renewals, sync member profiles to keep...

Guesty zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after reservation confirmations or check-outs, sync customer profiles to ensure up-to-date...

Gymdesk zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after gym sessions or membership renewals, sync member profiles and contact...

GymFlow zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after class bookings or membership renewals, sync customer profiles to...

GymMaster zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after membership renewals or class bookings, sync customer profiles to keep...

HelloLeads zapier

Sync customer profiles between HelloLeads and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

HeyPros zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after work order completion or invoice acceptance to gather customer feedback...

HiCustomer zapier

Sync customer profiles and interaction timelines from HiCustomer to Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

Highrise zapier

Sync customer profiles between Highrise and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Hogunsoft zapier

Sync customer contact information between Hogunsoft and Retently to ensure up-to-date profiles, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Holded zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after invoicing or sales transactions, sync customer contact details and sales...

HomeList zapier

Automatically trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a new customer is created in HomeList, sync customer...

Hona zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or significant updates, sync contact information between Hona...

HoneyBook zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or payment, sync client contact details and...

Hoops zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys based on customer interactions such as job completion, sync customer profiles...

Hostaway zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or customer service interactions, sync customer profiles and...

Hostfully zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or cancellations, sync customer booking history and preferences,...

Hot Prospector zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after lead status updates or appointments, sync customer profiles and interaction...

HotspotSystem zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when new customer accounts are created or when subscribers opt-in, sync...

Housecall Pro zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after job completion or customer interactions, sync customer profiles and job...

HQBeds zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after reservation events such as check-ins or cancellations, sync customer reservation...

Hype zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after user registration or payment transactions, sync customer profiles and contact...

i-Reserve zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or status changes, sync customer booking details...

iconpractice zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after patient appointments to gather feedback on service quality, sync patient...

iFactFind zapier

Automatically sync new and updated client information from iFactFind to Retently, triggering surveys for...

iHomefinder zapier

Automatically send NPS or CSAT surveys to new leads generated by iHomefinder to gather...

immedio Box zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a lead becomes engaged or after new content interactions, sync...

IMMO CRM... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions such as lead conversion or account updates,...

iNCOM Canada zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as property inquiries or service engagements,...

iNCOM USA zapier

Sync lead information with Retently to keep customer profiles updated, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

incwo zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between incwo and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

Indy zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or invoice processing, sync client contact information and...

InfiniteCRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customer interactions such as support ticket resolutions or account updates,...

Inflowcare zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after lead creation or updates, sync user information to keep customer...

Inmobalia CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after property sales or significant customer interactions, sync customer contact details...

Inperium Sell zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as deal closures or new contact...

Insightly zapier

Sync customer profiles between Insightly and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

installHUB zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after job completions or payment receipts, sync customer profiles between installHUB...

Insurgo zapier

Sync client profiles from Insurgo to Retently to ensure up-to-date customer information for targeted...

Interact zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a lead completes a quiz, sync lead information with Retently...

Introwise zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after a session is completed to gather feedback on the...

ISN zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after payment receipt or order scheduling to gather customer feedback...

IXACT Contact... zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between IXACT Contact CRM and Retently to ensure...

Jackrabbit Class zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after class enrollments or attendance, sync customer profiles to keep contact...

Jambo zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after specific communication events or interactions, sync customer contact details and...

Jammed zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after a booking or studio session, sync customer contact details...

Jarja Media zapier

Sync customer profiles between Jarja Media and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and...

JeffreyAI zapier

Sync customer contact information and opportunity data with Retently to ensure up-to-date profiles, trigger...

Jills Office zapier

Sync customer profiles between Jills Office and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, and...

JivoChat zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after chat interactions to gather immediate feedback on customer service quality,...

JobAdder zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key recruitment milestones such as job application submissions or interview...

Jobber zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after job completion or invoice generation, sync customer profiles and job...

JobNimbus zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after job completion or significant project milestones, sync customer contact information...

JobProgress zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after job completion or customer interactions, sync customer data between JobProgress...

Join It zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after membership renewals or events, sync member profiles to keep feedback...

Kapta zapier

Sync customer profiles between Kapta and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

Karlia zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after order completions or project milestones, sync customer profiles between Karlia...

karmaCRM zapier

Sync customer contact information and interaction history with Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant...

Kavkom zapier

Sync customer profiles between Kavkom and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

Kaydoh zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when new leads are generated to gather initial customer impressions, sync...


Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after order submissions to gather feedback on the ordering process, sync...

Keap zapier

Automate sending NPS/CSAT surveys after significant sales interactions or customer lifecycle events, sync customer...

Keela zapier

Sync customer profiles between Keela and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Keep In... zapier

Sync customer profiles between Keep In Touch and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information,...

Keller Williams... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after property transactions or service interactions, sync customer profiles to keep...

Keystone Academic... zapier

Sync customer profiles between Keystone and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

kiwilaunch zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking or purchase events, sync customer profiles to keep contact...

Kizen zapier

Sync customer profiles and pipeline data with Retently to ensure up-to-date customer information, trigger...

Knowork zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or membership renewals, sync customer profiles and membership...

Kommo zapier

Sync customer profiles between Kommo and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....


Integrate KONDESK CRM to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as support...

KonnektiveCRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after order creation or significant customer interactions, sync customer profiles to...

Kopperfield zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or payment processing, sync customer profiles and project...

Kunversion zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant lead interactions or conversions, sync lead information with Retently...

kvCORE zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after lead conversion or campaign engagement, sync customer contact details and...

LassoCRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between LassoCRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Launch27 zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or service completions, sync customer booking history...

Lawcus zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after case completions or client consultations, sync client contact details and...

LawSync zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after case resolutions or document completions, sync customer profiles and case...

Leadberry zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when a new lead is captured or when significant user behavior... zapier

Sync customer profiles between and Retently to ensure accurate contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Leader CRM zapier

Sync customer contact information and interaction history with Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant...

Leadfox zapier

Sync customer contact information between Leadfox and Retently to automate the sending of NPS/CSAT...

LeadKlozer zapier

Sync customer contact details and lead status updates with Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

LeadSimple zapier

Sync customer profiles between LeadSimple and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

LeadSnap zapier

Sync lead information with Retently to keep customer profiles updated, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

LeadSquared zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as lead conversion or sales activities,...

LeadStation zapier

Sync customer profiles between LeadStation and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

LeadWeb zapier

Sync customer profiles between LeadWeb and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

LeagueApps zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after event registrations or communications to gather feedback on user satisfaction,...

Leapify zapier

Sync customer profiles between Leapify and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences,...

Less Annoying... zapier

Sync customer contact information and interaction history with Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant...

LEXZUR zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as invoice payments or account updates,...

Life Mib zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after lead interactions or appointment completions, sync customer profiles and contact...

Limo Anywhere zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after reservations or payments, sync customer profiles to keep feedback data...

Linka zapier

Sync customer profiles between Linka and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

LionDesk zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions or campaign completions, sync customer contact details...

LionO360 zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after sales or support interactions, sync customer profiles and interaction history...

Listrak zapier

Sync subscriber data to keep customer profiles current in Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when...

Little Green... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after events or campaign interactions, sync constituent records with Retently to...

Livespace zapier

Sync customer profiles between Livespace and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences.... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key client interactions like mortgage approval or updates, sync customer...

LocaliQ zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions tracked by LocaliQ, such as sales or...

LockedOn zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after property inspections or client updates to gather feedback on service...

Lodgify zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or cancellations, sync customer contact details and...

Lofty zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a real estate transaction is completed or a lead is...

Logisav zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between Logisav and Retently to ensure up-to-date data...

LoopSpark zapier

Integrate LoopSpark to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after specific communication events or lead interactions, sync...

Luxury Presence zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as property viewings or transactions, sync...

Macanta zapier

Sync customer profiles between Macanta and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

MaidCentral zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after cleaning jobs are completed, sync customer profiles and service history...

Mailfold zapier

Use Retently survey responses to trigger specific email campaigns or automations in Mailfold, sync...

MakePlans zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after appointments, sync customer appointment history and contact details, use feedback...

ManyContacts zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant WhatsApp interactions, sync customer contact details and communication history,...

Map My... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions or updates in Map My Customers, sync...

MarketBox zapier

Automatically send NPS/CSAT surveys after a new account is created or an order is...

Marketing 360 zapier

Sync customer profiles between Marketing 360 and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and...

MarketSharp zapier

Sync customer profiles between MarketSharp and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Maximizer CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key customer interactions such as sales or support ticket resolutions,...

MeasureSquare CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between MeasureSquare CRM and Retently to maintain updated contact information and...

Meet Alfred zapier

Integrate to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant LinkedIn interactions or email campaigns, sync customer...

Meetime zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant sales interactions or workflow completions, sync customer profiles and...

MemberSuite zapier

Sync customer profiles between MemberSuite and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences....

Membrain zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key sales milestones or customer interactions, sync customer profiles and...

Membroz zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after support ticket resolutions or significant account changes, sync customer profiles...

Mercury Connect zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant sales milestones or updates in customer records, sync customer...

Method CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between Method CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger...

mfr -... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after job completions or customer appointments, sync customer profiles and job...

Mino CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between Mino CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger...

Mirabel's Marketing... zapier

Sync new or updated contact information from Mirabel's Marketing Manager to Retently to ensure...

mloflo zapier

Sync customer profiles and lead information between Mloflo and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

MobiCRM zapier

Sync customer profiles and contact information between MobiCRM and Retently, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

Mobilo Card zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys when new contacts are added via Mobilo Card, sync contact details...

MOCO zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or billing events, sync customer contact details and...

Mojo zapier

Sync customer profiles between Mojo and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Momentifi zapier

Sync customer contact information between Momentifi and Retently to ensure accurate survey delivery and...

Monty zapier

Sync customer profiles between Monty and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Morningstar AdviserLogic zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant client interactions or compliance updates, sync client profiles and...

Mortgage iQ zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after a new lead or loan is added, sync customer...

Moskit zapier

Sync customer profiles between Moskit and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Mothernode CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customer interactions like case resolution or lead conversion, sync customer...

Moverbase zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after job completions or significant client interactions, sync customer profiles and...

Moxie zapier

Integrate Moxie to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after project completion or client meetings, sync client...

My Music... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after music lessons or events to gather feedback on teaching quality,...

MyASP zapier

Automatically send NPS/CSAT surveys when new customer records are created in MyASP, sync customer...

MyCRM Leads zapier

Sync lead information from MyCRM Leads to Retently to automatically send NPS/CSAT surveys after...

MyCRM Sync zapier

Sync customer contact information and deal statuses with Retently to trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after...

MyDesk zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as appointment completions or task updates,...

MyGadgetRepairs zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after repair completions or sales transactions, sync customer contact details...

myhm zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant project milestones or asset updates, sync customer profiles to...

Myloanofficer zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a lead submission to assess the quality of the initial...

myRealPage zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after lead inquiries or market insights interactions, sync customer profiles to...

Nabooki zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a booking is confirmed, updated, or canceled to gather immediate...

Nalpeiron zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after product registration or trial initiation to gather immediate customer feedback,...

NationBuilder zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant interactions such as donations or event RSVPs, sync member...

NeonCRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant donor interactions or events, sync donor profiles and contact...

net2rent zapier

Trigger automated NPS/CSAT surveys after booking confirmations or cancellations, sync guest contact details and...

NetHunt CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between NetHunt CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and...

Network Leads zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a moving service is completed, sync customer profiles and interaction...

NextAgency zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after case resolutions or ticket closures, sync customer profiles and interaction...

NGP VAN zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after campaign events or donations, sync supporter profiles to keep contact...

Nimble zapier

Sync customer profiles between Nimble and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key sales milestones or lead status changes, sync customer profiles...

Notyfile zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions like order completions or agreement signings, sync...

Nova CRM zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after property viewings or deal closures, sync customer contact details and...

Nove zapier

Sync customer profiles between Nove and Retently to ensure up-to-date information, trigger NPS/CSAT surveys...

Novi AMS zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after event registrations or membership renewals, sync member profiles and activity...

Nutshell zapier

Sync customer profiles between Nutshell and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information and preferences,...

OClass zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after client check-ins or bookings, sync customer profiles and interaction history...

Octorate zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after reservation modifications or communications, sync customer reservation details and communication...

Odoo CRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between Odoo CRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger...

Odoo ERP... zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after significant customer interactions such as purchases or support ticket resolutions,...

OfficeRnD zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after membership changes or event participation, sync member profiles and preferences...

Omnify zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after new bookings or client interactions, sync customer profiles and booking...

OnceHub zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a lead is captured or qualified through OnceHub, sync customer...

OneDeck zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after key workflow completions or service updates, sync customer profiles and...

OneHash zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after customer support interactions or project completions, sync customer profiles and...

OneLocal LocalContacts zapier

Sync customer contact details between OneLocal LocalContacts and Retently to automate the sending of...

OneLocal LocalReferrals zapier

Trigger NPS/CSAT surveys after a referral is made or completed to gather feedback on...

OnePageCRM zapier

Sync customer profiles between OnePageCRM and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...

Onpipeline zapier

Sync customer profiles between Onpipeline and Retently to ensure up-to-date contact information, trigger NPS/CSAT...